17 July 2012

Bird of Freedom - Handsome Eagle

A Bird of Freedom.

The Handsome Eagle Sent to the Bee by Gothenburg Friends.

The Bee received yesterday a trophy which shall ever be prized and preserved as long as the cylinders of its presses rotate and its hired men rustle with facts. It came in a box by express and is nothing less than a large golden eagle. To one of its feet was tied the following card which in a measure explained all, but left it to be regretted that the details of the killing of the bird were not sent:

Thanksgiving Eagle.

To the Omaha Bee.

Compliments of the boys and proprietor of Hotel Gothenburg. Shot by Steve Kingrey, over the hotel.

Gothenburg, Nebraska.

The eagle is a magnificent specimen, being evidently at full growth and measuring seven feet from tip to tip of wing. It has been given into the hands of a taxidermist and when prepared will be mounted in some prominent place in the office.

November 28, 1885. Omaha Daily Bee 15(136): 8.