01 July 2014

Omaha Public Works Contends with Possible Wetland Fill

The Army Corps of Engineers is requiring that Omaha Public Works respond to a complaint regarding the potential filling of wetlands south of Levi Carter Park.

After an initial visit, a representative of the Corps met again at the site on June 18th with Martin Grate (environmental quality manager of the department) and Nina Cudahy, also of Public Works.

"We identified that fill material may be entering wetlands that are present on the site. Marty and Nina are going to have a wetland delineation done in order to identify where the wetlands are. If wetland is delineated next to fill material, we will assume that some wetlands have been filled. If wetland is not present next to the fill, we will assume that the fill is in upland." — information received in email from the Omaha office of the Corps.

No timetable was given on when the delineation will occur. Once it is completed, the Corps and Public Works will have another meeting, according to the email. They will then discuss the results, any "potential actions that may be taken" by the Corps, and "how to keep fill material out of the wetlands onsite."